Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Anime Festival Asia 2011

Anime Festival Asia 2011
was super fun this year!

I was hired to take photos for the AFA's favorite cosplayers!
Well actually it is actually both the mutual decision of both judges; Kaname's and Usagi's.

Yes the best part is I get to walk around looking for awesome cosplayers with the both of them!

 DAY  1

Kaname looking happy when he sees Robo-kun!

Usagi and Kaname at Niconico tv booth, the comments on the live stream were funny!!!

Tonnes of Niconico plushies so adorable!!! ( >//3//<)

Posing for me after Niconico tv live ( ^3^)V

My favourite cosplayers of the night! 

Maria the one in Red has always been my favorite! <3

DAY 2 

Usagi as Nami and Kaname as Sanji,(One Piece: New World) posing for Animonster magazine, my friend Raisa is one of the writers there!
(Raisa correct me if I am wrong ( ;;>3<) )

Signing for fellow cosplayers, Kaname looking kakoii~<3

Usagi should pout more! She looks so adorable~<3

Signing for Niconico

Lucky me, I stole a solo shot of Usagi!

Kaname's Niconico plushie 

During the uchiage I managed to grab Hajime san for a photo
Hajime san is the photographer of the event!
He takes photos for B.L.T. magazine! Check out his website below, click on the link!

Yes I am a sucker for the art fart looking types... :X

Kageshi and me at the uchiage! <3
Yes my usual duck lip pouting....

I miss my violet hair(looks blue under fluorescent light)!

Anime Festival Asia 2011 was a huge success this year, as I could see from the crowd (@~@;; )
Especially Anisong! The amount of turnout is insane!!! There are people from around the world who turn up at the concert! :O That is how awesomely impressive it is!
Made more new friends and found lost friendships!
I hope I am able to join next year...Please please please( >3<)


  1. Hihi! You mentioned that you helped Kaname and Usagi take photos on day 1 for the solo cosplay thing. Did you happen to have the photo of Kaname and Usagi with cosplayers in red and white overalls and a blue long maid dress? I've been looking all over for it, it'll be awesome if you had that! Thanks! ^^

  2. Hi Suzanne! Sorry I just saw this comment...Let me go over my archives and check for you! I'll update you here if i find it ;)
