Friday, November 25, 2011

I am getting fat...

When love is gone, lost and you goes into a down wards spiral...
You start eating more and more seeking comfort from food, it is ok do it awhile but please set a limit...
PLEASE DO NOT GO INTO SELF PITY AND OVER INDULGE... because you might be on the road of no return...

It is ok to feel shit for a year, well because it meant alot. You don't have to stress yourself to move of fast because instead of going forward you might end up not moving on at all. Trust me.

I know people who are bigger size than me would hate me because I'm no where near comparing to them, but the fact is I am growing fatter... I used to not having a tummy, from the food and the beers and sitting around watching movies and gaming too much. My waist is disappearing!!! ( T3T) I'll be keep a weight diary to help others as well.
Anyway, I'm weighting 43kg

It's time to wake up, and move on forward and a change of lifestyle...

I've finally become a Lacto-ovo Vegetarian, since last week.
It feels great not consume on the pain and sufferings of animals, plus it is so much healthier.
Never been happier!

New York New York's Tofu Salad is really good! Vege-muncher out there try it!
I wont recommend the Capuccino Mushroom Soup thoough...
Thanks my lovely Yenn for showing me :)

Exercising with Say

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