Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Awesome 'new' product CandyDoll

While waiting for a friend, I saw this 'new' product on Watson's shelf...
Like FINALLY CandyDoll Cosmetics! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO...

Obviously that is Tsubasa Masuwaka who endorsed for the product...
Having too much time on my side, I did a comparison of blushers between CandyDoll and Canmake!

I tried orange blush back when I was in makeup school and fell in love with orange ever since...Check out Tsubasa's look with orange blush, it's gorgeous!!! <3

Having too much time on my side I've decided to do a comparison of blushers...CandyDoll Carrot Orange blush vs Canmake Cream Cheek blush and also Canmake Powder Cheeks

Left to right: Canmake Cream Cheek 10 Sweet orange, CandyDoll Carrot Orange, Canmake PW16 Nable Orange

without flash
with flash

Canmake orange blushers are more on the redtones and shimmers, for CandyDoll is more of a matt pure yellow orange tone. As for me I'm looking that sort of yellow orange tone, shimmer free blush, CandyDoll($25.90?) is perfect for me, texture is rather dense and powder is really fine. The pigment is just right, blend according to how instense u want it to be. Actually I would also suggest getting Canmake's Powder Cheeks Nable Orange, as it has a beautiful orange tone to it, neither too much on the yellow side or on the red side. Most of all the price is super attractive, $14.90 and usually Watsons would have 20% off and so it will be retailing for $11.92!!!!!!!! OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!

As for CandyDoll's lip glosses($22.50?)...

It is rather disappointing, the pigments does not cover your lips properly instead forming lip texture lines, as you can see my lip's skin is peeling off alittle and with that gloss on it makes it even more obvious...And most of all it's the stickiest gloss I have ever tried in my entire life urgh, I would be pretty unpleasant kissing someone with that on...

Hehe tried out my new blusher <3

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